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Kindergarten early reading worksheets

free kindergarten words activities, free kindergarten worksheets Free kindergarten and early childhood reading worksheets, include read pictures, find the different one, group things, etc. Perfect for young kids to start building up reading skills!


Beginning sound recognition
Circle each picture whose name begins with the same sound as the first picture in a row.

Beginning sound T and H
Circle each picture whose name begins with T or H.

Fill in the missing letters
Free printable early picture reading worksheets that kindergarten students can read pictures and write down the missing letters.

Name of the animals
Free printable early picture reading worksheets that kindergarten students can read pictures and write down the names of the animals.

More beginning sound worksheets
More free printable beginning sound recognition picture worksheets for Beginning sound of letter T and H, Beginning sound of letter L and F, Beginning sound of letter S and P, and more.

More Kindergarten Activity Sheets and free printables

Free printable kindergarten words learning activities, free kindergarten math and reading worksheets,free kids learning activites, free printable early childhood worksheets from on website:
Free printable kindergarten words and kindergarten games