Shark tails games and worksheets

Teachers or parents can print out this shark tails image. And lead kids to play several games.

  1. Shark tail match game.
    Show students the shark tails print out. Ask your students to remember shapes and names of the shark tails. Then cut the picture into pieces with individual shark tail. Cut off the name word from the shark tail image. Ask your student to match shark tail image to its name.
  2. Write down shark name
    Show students the shark tails print out. Then hide or cut off the name word for the individual shark tail. Let student read the shark tail picture and ask them to write down the name of the shark that has this tail.
  3. Drawing worksheet
    Teachers print out shark tails picture. Ask your students to remember shapes and names of the shark tails. Then teachers can pick out some sharks and ask your students to draw a picture of this shark tail.

    shark tails

    Right click on the picture and select to print out from your computer.