??? Name: ______________

Count how many in each row. Count how many rows. Write the total.

2 rows of 8 = ___

2 X 8 = ____
Skeleton Halloween theme multiplication worksheets for elementary school teachers to print out to introduce multiplication concepts.

4 rows of 8 = ___

4 X 8= ____

3 rows of 7 = ___

3 X 7 = ____
Free printable trick-or-treat Halloween theme multiplication worksheets for elementary school students
Free printable trick-or-treat Halloween theme multiplication worksheets for elementary school students
Free printable trick-or-treat Halloween theme multiplication worksheets for elementary school students
Free printable trick-or-treat Halloween theme multiplication worksheets for elementary school students

4 rows of 4 = ___

4 X 4 = ____

3 rows of 6 = ___

3 X 6 = ____

1 rows of 6 = ___

1 X 6 = ____