free English grammar verbs worksheets,preschool to k 12 English grammar curriculum

Write the past tense form of the verbs.

  1. I ______ to school.     walk

  2. Alan ______ a movie last week.     watch

  3. My dad ______ a green car.     drive

  4. Anna ______ some poems.     write

  5. I ______ 5 books last week.     read

Write the past participle form of the verbs.

  1. Three goats have ______ to the yard.     go

  2. I’ve ____________ Alan for years.     know

  3. Have you ____________ your lunch?     eat

  4. Have you ____________ this map before?     see

  5. They've ____________ a long time.     think free English grammar verbs worksheets,preschool to k 12 English grammar curriculum