free English grammar verbs worksheets,preschool to k 12 English grammar curriculum    Name: _______________

Select the correct comparison.

    free English grammar verbs worksheets,preschool to k 12 English grammar curriculum
  1. That movie lasted (longer, longest) than I thought.

  2. Alan ran (faster, fastest) in the class.

  3. My dad walked (slower, slowest) than my mom.

  4. Anna talks the (loudest, louder).

  5. The blue kite flies (higher, highest) than the pink kite.

  6. The tiger walked (more, most) dangerously close to the kids.

  7. The old diver dived most cautiously among the 12 divers.

  8. The lady planted her flowers (more, most) carefully this year than last year.

  9. Alan ran (more, most) quickly than Amanda.

  10. The brown butterfly flies (more, most) smoothly than the yellow one.