
Linking Verbs or actions verbs ?
Circle the linking verb in the sentences below.

  1. Pete looked for some books.

  2. Pete looked tired.

  3. The soup tasted bad.

  4. My mom tasted the soup.

  5. The singer appeared in the party.

  6. The singer appeared happy in the party.

  7. I feel sad after I hear the story.

  8. The red little hen grows bigger.

  9. The boys grew plants in the garden.

  10. The yellow birds seemed hopeless.

  11. Pete smelled the milk.

  12. Let me feel the dress.

  13. I feel sick today.

    Answer key

Linking Verbs - Circle the linking verb in the sentences below.

  1. Pete looked for some books.

  2. Pete (looked) tired.

  3. The soup (tasted) bad.

  4. My mom tasted the soup.

  5. The singer appeared in the party.

  6. The singer (appeared) happy in the party.

  7. I (feel) sad after I hear the story.

  8. The red little hen (grows) bigger.

  9. The boys grew plants in the garden.

  10. The yellow birds (seemed) hopeless.

  11. Pete smelled the milk.

  12. Let me feel the dress.

  13. I (feel) sick today.