??? Name:______________

Capactiy/Volume Measurement

Eastimate the capacity of each object. Circle the best estimate.

125 cubic meters ??? 125 ml

English Measurement worksheets, measuring length math worksheets

4 ounces ??? 4 qt

English Measurement worksheets, measuring length math worksheets

2 gallons ??? 2 liters

5 ounces ??? 5 quarts

4 ml ??? 4 cubic meters

3 gallons ??? 3 cups

66 cubic cm ??? 66 cubic meters

English Measurement worksheets, measuring length math worksheets

12 quarts ??? 12 ounces

1 ml ??? 1 litre

English Measurement worksheets, measuring length math worksheets


50 ml ??? 50 gallons

English Measurement worksheets, measuring length math worksheets

tea kettle

2 quarts ??? 2 counces


3.5 quarts ??? 3.5 gallons