Name: ____________      2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

Daily Math Practice Quiz #3

1, 11 is an odd number.

    yes      no

2, Circle members of the 17 family.

4 + 13      11 + 4
5 + 12      9 + 8
3, eight + five + seven = 4, What comes next?

33 ___ 39 ___ 45 ___ 51
5, Circle the one that weighs the most.

2 pounds      8 ounce      5 pounds


32 + 23 + 11 =
7, There are 3 tables in the room. Each table has 4 apples on it.

How many apples are on 3 tables?



9, Make tally marks for 17.


10, Alan had 8 apples. He gave 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz of the apples to Bill.

How many apples did he still have?
