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Name: ____________ ???? 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

Daily Math Practice Quiz #15

1, 13 - 8 = _____

2,???? 12 - 4 = 7 + ___

3, About how many jelly beans will fill 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz cup?

???? 200 ???? 12 ????99

4, Draw an ABBCABBC pattern.

Show time on clock. - 8:30

6, ??Write a word problem for 13 - 8 = 5.




7, Circle the lightest animal.

2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz???? 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

8,???Circle the cube.

2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz??? 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz??? 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

9, 213 + 29 + 4 = ____

10, 324 - 126 - 35 =_________