Name: ____________      2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

Daily Math Practice Quiz #14

2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz
2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz
2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz
2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz
2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

  1. Alan had 70¢. How many oranges can he buy?


  2. How much money do you need to buy 2 apples and 1 watermellon?


  3. Eric had 67 ¢. he bought a peach. How much money does he have left?


    Can he buy a lemon with the money he has left?


  4. Anna had $1. She bought 1 apple and 1 peach. How much money does she have left?


    Can she buy a watermellon with the money she has left?
