Name: ____________      2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz

Daily Math Practice Quiz #1

1, 23 < 32

    yes      no
2, Color an abbabb pattern.

2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz
3, Circle the fifth apple.

2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz 2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice quiz
4, What comes next?

34 ___ 38 ___ 42 ___ 46
5, Circle the one that holds the most.

2nd grade daily math review and daily math practice
pint      cup      gallon

34 + 38 + 9 =
7, Alan had 18 lego blocks. He gave half to his sister.

How many blocks did he have?



9, Eric borrowed 10 books from the library. He read 2 books last week. He read 5 books this week.

How many books he has not read?


10, Frank's Christmas tree is 28cm tall. Anna's Christmas tree is 46cm tall.

How much taller is Anna's tree than Frank's tree?
